Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eaton Theatre switch to Digital Film

The Eaton Theatre has until now been showing movies through 35mm film that would go through the projector and show on the screen. But now, many small movie theaters across the country, similar to the Eaton Theatre, are facing a major problem; the shift to digital movies. This calls for these theaters, among many, to either switch to digital film, or stay with their current format, and go out of business in 2013. The new projectors used for digital movies cost around $65,000; a price not easily reached by these businesses. It has been confirmed that Fox, among several other movie companies, will not continue to use traditional film. However, these projectors will be cost-prohibitive if the Eaton Theatre bought one for each floor, since not as many people can be seated in the upper floor, and therefore, would not make as much money from buying two. The Eaton Theatre stands to lose over 20% of its former profit after this switch, because it will no longer profit from showing movies on the top floor, and will also not be able to show two movies simultaneously, decreasing the demand for going to this theatre.

In this situation, I believe that the best course of action would be to not only buy a digital projector for the bottom floor and continue showing new movies there, but also possibly start showing older movies on the top floor after no new movies will be released in old format, and offer them prices to see those movies at a discount, in order to reduce the amount of profit lost by the conversion to digital film.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

(A picture I may use in a future project.)
                 I have learned today, that many pictures are posted online, however, without the permission of the owners for others to use them. So just now, I have done multiple searches for things that were relevant to me, through Creative Commons. There were very few or no pictures (for some) that were relevant to what I was searching for. I have also learned that it is not fair for us to simply pick a picture off of Google images and use it for our purposes. Now I may use this information to better search for non-copyrighted pictures and other media that I will use. I really think more people should put their stuff in Creative Commons though.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Spirit Week posters

(Freshmen are now red, but I feel it's too late to change it, and I shouldn't bother, since I'm not sending this one anyway.)

Friday, September 7, 2012